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    How to Decide Your Black Friday Offer


    August 10, 2023

    Even though you might be reading this blog post as early as August, Black Friday is right around the corner and as a business owner, you can’t afford to put off the planning for one of the most lucrative sales seasons of the year. 

    Many larger brands and businesses start planning their Black Friday offers, deals, and promotions MONTHS (some even years) in advance and as a business owner yourself, you could benefit from adopting that same strategy.

    It’s been said that most consumers start searching for Black Friday deals as early as September, which means that if you want YOUR products and services to be among the talk of the best Black Friday options, you want to have your ducks in a row early so that you can start marketing accordingly. 

    There’s a lot that goes into planning and preparing for Black Friday, regardless of the industry you’re in, and I go more in-depth in this blog post.

    For now, I want to focus on the very FIRST step that needs your attention and that is deciding what you want your Black Friday offer to even be.

    This is the obvious first step and though it may seem simple, a lot of people struggle with this piece of the planning.

    And as a business owner myself, I get it – when it comes to Black Friday offers, you have LOTS of options.

    You can give discounts, launch something new, provide never-before-seen bonuses, the list goes on.

    So deciding what’s right for you and your business can be tricky! This year I want to help alleviate some of the stress that comes with your Black Friday planning, and the first way I want to do it is by guiding you through HOW to decide what offer is best for you.

    Just like anything in business, I believe Black Friday in your business should be unique to you – so, let’s make that happen!

    3 Myths About Black Friday Offers

    Before I dive into how to determine your Black Friday offer, let’s get a few myths about the iconic sales season out of the way, shall we?

    1) You have to offer a discount.

    It’s no secret that the days and weeks leading up to Thanksgiving and Black Friday and the days and weeks to follow, commonly called Cyber Monday or Cyber Week, are filled with the best deals of the year.

    It’s the time of year where people really start their Christmas shopping and often score some amazing finds.

    While I’m all for finding a good deal (like $500 off a Dyson vacuum? GIVE ME!), as a business owner I also know that discounting isn’t something you always want to do.

    And trust me, I don’t blame you. I also want to stay true to my prices and charge my worth!

    It’s for that reason that I want you to know that just because Black Friday is known for its deals, it doesn’t mean that you have to do the same with your products and services.

    There is a way to partake in the season without giving your best stuff away at a price that’s lower than what you really want to sell it for!

    2) You have to launch something new.

    If you’re a business owner that sells products, you might think that you have to create something new for the Black Friday season. 

    A lot of retailers and brands take this approach by offering doorbusters or gifts with purchases that are brand new or a limited edition.

    Again, while this strategy is totally something you can adopt, you don’t HAVE to!

    Launching something new during Black Friday week could be beneficial, but it’s not a requirement. As a business owner of any kind, you are allowed to promote an existing product, service, or offer if you please.

    One way to make an existing offer more enticing during the Black Friday season is to tweak the original offer just a bit, so that it feels new or add on a special bonus of some kind that your customers or clients can only receive during that time. 

    For example, let’s say you’re an online course creator and you want to promote one of your existing courses during Black Friday. A few ways to encourage purchases would be to update the course with new lessons, include a bonus lesson they can’t get anywhere else, or offer an extra 1:1 call with you for personalized support.

    These are just a few ways you could promote an existing offer, but make it a little more enticing during Black Friday week.

    The way you do this can (and should) be totally unique to you and your business!

    3) You have to partake in Black Friday as a business owner.

    Guess what? If Black Friday season stresses you the heck out and you don’t want to participate… you don’t have to!

    As a business owner, it can be so easy to get pressured into doing things just because other people are doing them.

    And while I fully believe that Black Friday is a time that you can absolutely capitalize on, it’s not something that will make or break your business. 

    If you have the capacity to plan for it, I say go for it! But if you’re in a season that feels overwhelming, stressful, and you can’t imagine planning for one more thing, you have the freedom to skip it, friend. 💛

    How To Decide Your Black Friday Offer

    If you’re in a spot where you DO want to capitalize on the Black Friday season, but you aren’t sure where to start, you know I’ve got you!

    As mentioned earlier, the first step in this planning process is to decide what you’re going to offer or promote.

    There are a number of things you can do and there’s no right or wrong answer – the key is choosing something that makes the most sense for you, feels good for you, AND will lead to some amazing results. 

    In order to choose the best option for your business, it’s important to know where you’re currently at!

    To help you conduct this vibe check for Black Friday specifically, I’ve compiled a Black Friday Launch Checklist just for you!

    This checklist help you determine what launch steps are already completed and what might be missing to make this Black Friday season your best one yet.

    CLICK HERE to download the FREE Black Friday Launch Checklist to ensure that your offer is set for success! 💸 Here’s to knocking Black Friday out of the park!

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