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Sioux Falls, SD
+ Beyond


Monday - Thursday 
9 a.m. - 3 p.m. CST



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website copy how-tos + marketing tips

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    When do your programs reopen?

    storysale group coaching will open for enrollment in summer 2024. Join the waitlist!

    The Content Huddle opens for enrollment in March and in August each calendar year.
    Join the waitlist!

    What's the turnaround time for website copywriting services?

    my typical turnaround time for a six-page website copywriting project is between 10-15 business days.

    smaller website projects have a quicker turnaround.

    Why is copywriting important?

    Glad you asked! Think about a product or service that you've searched for online that, perhaps, solves a problem you're experiencing or offers a different, a better way to do life or business or fill-in-the-blank-here.

    Copywriters WRITE the sales pages or the services pages that you come across when searching for solutions to that problem you have, whether your problem is a $14.97 Target special or a $30,000 car. In other words, copywriters create messaging that helps consumers (which we all are!) make a purchasing decision - to know if a product or service is in fact right for them.

    i have the answers!

    y0u have a question...

    i have written product descriptions for businesses before, but it's not my area of expertise. however, i can and do often write core website pages (home, about, and contact) for product-based businesses.

    Do you write for product-based businesses?

    Yes! I write blog post content and email copy on retainer for female photographers and creative business owners. please browse my retainer services here.

    do you write content for businesses?