You love the work you do as a creative, but you feel stuck in a cycle of serving less-than-ideal clients who don't light you up.

You're tired of relying on social media to market your offers, and the radio silence you encounter when marketing makes you feel like YOU are the reason your business isn't succeeding.

  • What if you could stop relying on your art—your images, your designs, or your creations—to communicate your impact, in favor of connecting with your dream clients through words?

  • What if you could stop looking at your competition's website or social feed to see how they market their offers, in favor of trusting your own story to move your business forward?

  • What if you could stop posting on social media out of desperation to book clients and create a website that ranks on Google and sells for you consistently instead?

From Website and Email Copy to SEO and Blogging, You Don't Have to Figure It Out on Your Own.


a group coaching program for photographers

It's time to say goodbye to transactional, shoot-and-burn clients, in favor of connecting with your clients on a human level through words that work.

Whoever decided that creatives like us needed to sound "professional" in order to be taken seriously in business is just as outdated as those floppy disks gathering dust in our parents' basements.

If you're long feared sharing your personality and your heart in your website copy because your brain (and your Boomer dad) is telling you that you won't be taken seriously, it's time to quiet those voices...for good.

Take it from nearly 90 clients who have trusted me to craft personality-packed, SEO-friendly copy for their businesses: when the right person lands on your website and feels a connection to you through your copy, you'll feel passionate, creative and joyful about the work you do again.

If you're ready to overhaul your messaging strategy, so that you can finally rank higher on Google and attract soul-sister. aligned clients who value your work...

Storysale is for you.

Overhaul your website copy, SEO, blog, email list, and social media feed by learning how to write strategically with heart

Feel creatively inspired and validated by dream clients that value you and your services

Discover supportive accountability that helps you build a business that fits your life

Own a business you love that allows you to scale while marketing more effectively

If you're a female creative whose client work is fine-tuned and solid, but you're tired of battling marketing burnout or aren't consistently serving dream clients, Storysale is made for you.

Get ready to:

Three months of education, including weekly group coaching + guest expert trainings.

Done-with-you, 1:1 copy intensives with Sara to write for your business. That's more than SEVEN hours of collaborative writing time to craft customized word-magic for you!

Weekly 1:1 Voxer access to Sara to get YOUR marketing questions answered.

Storysale delivers both the know-how (swipe file templates! storytelling starters! SEO tools!) and the support you need to overhaul your website copy, blogging process, email marketing strategy and social media content.

This group coaching program will teach you how to refine your messaging strategy, so that you can market more effectively in less time and call in droves of dream clients organically.

what's inside storysale

you can make sales that feel like a conversation with your dream client


Paula McIntosh, Photographer + Storysale Student

"The website 1:1 intensive changed the way I will forever think about creating copy for my business.

Working directly with Sara and being part of her process was such a great learning opportunity, and I left feeling great about the copy we'd produced but also energized about my business in general. Sara is a natural writer and teacher and the type of cheerleader we all should have on our team!"

the results are in

Emily Blickhan - Photographer + Storysale Student

"What was once a task list item that brought tears to my eyes, is one of my favorite memories in building my business."

Kelly Wollman -
Brand Designer + Storysale Student

"With Sara's help through Storysale, I was able to beautifully describe the story of me and the story behind my business, helping to connect what I do with who I am."

*Paula won a giveaway to participate in the Storysale program free of charge.

$300/month for
six months

Six Payments

$600/month for three months

Three Payments




Most weeks, the time commitment will include a 60-minute Zoom call and 1:1 Voxer hours, which are two hours long. Your asynchronous participation on Voxer is as-needed and optional.

On the weeks where 1:1 Intensives are scheduled, more time will be needed; please see the time estimates below.

Website Intensive: 3 Hours
SEO + Blogging Intensive: 2 Hours
Email + Social Intensive: 2 Hours

How many hours per week should I expect to spend connecting with Sara and the other Storysale students and completing the program?

your burning questions answered:

Yes, each Storysale student has weekly, 1:1 Voxer hours with Sara to ask questions and get support as you work through the program.

In addition, each Storysale student gets approximately 7 hours of 1:1, done-with-you writing time on your website, SEO page titles and meta descriptions, blog, email welcome sequence and social media strategy.

When I've participated in programs before, what I've learned has been difficult to apply to my unique business.

Will this course give me 1:1 access to coaching and support from Sara?

your burning questions answered:

As a teacher at heart, your success is important to me, which is why I provide 1:1 Voxer hours every week inside Storysale. This is YOUR time to ask questions and get support!

I tell my students that if you can follow a recipe, you can find success inside Storysale. Messaging effectively is really more of a science than an art!

I wouldn't consider myself to be a writer or even someone who's good with words.

Is Storysale a good fit for me?

your burning questions answered:

meet your copy bestie

You love the images you create and the client stories you share.

Buuuuuut, when it comes time to market your photography business, you're stuck on writing words that capture your passion for creating art that your clients can actually feel.

If you're ready for your website to stand out in the photography world like your images do, it's time for you to dropkick the uninspiring, generic website copy that sounds like every other photographer out there.

Let me show you how infusing your photography website with your personality and optimizing your SEO can call in clients who want the imagery only you can create, boost your confidence, and increase your profit margins.

Copywriter + hype girl for photographers like you

Hi! I'm Sara.

meet your copywriter for photographers

It's time to call in expert-level support and adopt a messaging strategy that works for your business and your life.

Say goodbye to the hustle mentality of marketing inside Storysale.

I know that this program will work for you!




I'm the website copywriter your photography business needs.

Hi, I'm Sara!