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    Hi! I'm Sara - a former teacher turned copywriter, a boy mama, and a word-magic maker obsessed with helping photographers and creative brands stand out through words. I'm so glad you're here!


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    The online business world is a fun place to be because you truly get the opportunity to connect with so many different people doing different things who live in different places.  But coming from a background of teaching, I was so incredibly used to being surrounded by real humans every single day. So when I […]

    Copywriter on Location: What It Is, Who It’s For, and What It Could Look Like For You


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    Have you ever sat down to write copy for your business and find that you’re met with a blinking cursor on a blank Google Doc? Fast-forward a few hours, and the next thing you know, you’ve written approximately… nothing? Admittedly, even as a copywriter, I’ve experienced this too! It happens to the best of us.  […]

    The Power of Templates: How The What Sara Said Digital Shop Can Streamline Your Writing Process


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    Think about the last time you Googled a new restaurant to try… During your Google search, you likely stumbled upon the restaurant’s website, and as someone that’s never been to this restaurant before, you naturally have questions. What type of food do you serve? What are your hours? What’s the parking situation? Do I need […]

    4 Key Questions Your Photography Website Should Answer


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    When I first jumped into the world of entrepreneurship, I’ll be honest I had no clue how to run a business. I’m a former teacher turned business owner who really only knew one thing: I loved helping people create word-magic. ✨ “Word-magic” is my fancy way of saying I love helping creative business owners write […]

    The 411 On The Content Huddle Membership


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    When it comes to the world of websites, most business owners know that they need to display some type of client reviews or testimonials so that potential clients can see who says so besides them. Often, that looks like your classic testimonial scroll that features a photo and a quote that gives insight to the […]

    The Purpose and Power of Client Case Studies On Your Website


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    Guess what?! The Copywriter on Call podcast is officially BACK for season three! 🎙️ Copywriter on Call was designed to give you practical advice to uncover the brand voice that’s already within you, so you can infuse your creative business with your stories and the heart behind your work. It’s for the business owner that’s […]

    The Best Of The Copywriter on Call Podcast


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    Your “Contact” page needs to be written strategically. All too often, I see a lot of clients who will just insert the generic contact form element, use a header with words like, “get in touch” or “say hello,” and call it a day. That’s just not going to cut it.  And it might be enough […]

    Episode 2.27 – Podcast Show Notes


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    As a website copywriter, I’m all about helping female creative business owners write their website copy with confidence and ease and launch their website for the world to see! It’s so common for “build a website” to sit on your business owner to-do list for months on end, and I know this because I’ve been […]

    The Benefits of Blogging In Your Business (And How To Write An Effective Blog Post)


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    An effective website typically has four core pages, along with a few flex pages, depending on your business’s needs. The core four pages include “Home,” “About,” “Services,” and “Contact,” while the flex pages typically include things like your “Portfolio” or “Resources.”  Since every business is different, every website will be different, but these are generally […]

    The Anatomy of an Effective Sales Page (And Why Your Business Needs One)


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    When you’re designing your website, you typically have four core pages: “Home,” “About,” “Services,” and “Contact.”  Those are the MUST’s that you want to include so that your audience can properly navigate through your site and understand who you are, what you do, and how they can work with you.  In addition to those four […]

    A Photographer’s Guide To Writing The BEST Website Services Page
