creating imagery for your clients is what you do best.

Me? I'm a website copywriter on a mission to prove that you CAN serve your clients (and sell them sessions, too) by simply being yourself.

get ready for website copy so memorable,
you'll give it a friendship bracelet

(swiftie girl, reporting for duty)

So many photographers believe their art----their imagery----is capable of attracting clients...and they'd be right.

But in an industry that's quickly grown more saturated in the past five years, now is the time to consider the first----and the lasting----impression your images are sharing about your business.

Photographs certainly tell a story, but unless you want to leave the story behind your business up to chance, you need copy that acts as the Morgan to your Joanne: the younger sister who keeps you focused and grounded while you fall in love (with your website).

If you're banking on your images speaking for themselves, it's no wonder you're hearing *crickets.*

view services

I've been putting (Flair) pen to paper since my fourth-grade self wrote a story of traveling the esophagus, inspired by (you guessed it) The Magic School Bus. Countless failed attempts at poetry (and one really cool statewide journalism award later), I was on my way to writing for insert-big-name-newspaper-here.

I studied journalism and literature in college, and then literature again in graduate school, where my newspaper dreams quickly gave way to becoming Sara Gillis, PhD. I needed a break after my M.A., so I taught English and communications at a local technical college.

i'm sara, a former teacher turned website copywriter.

I traded in my stack of essays to grade for a stack of to-dos to launch my copywriting business. (I kept my Flair pens, though.)

Now, five years later, burnout is something I rarely feel, thanks to spending my days as a website copywriter. My photography clients love conversational, personality-packed, and SEO-optimized copy that sounds like them on their best days, and that's how I like to show up on behalf of my business, too.

When I'm not writing, I'm a partner to my husband, a hockey mama to our two sons, a toy-tosser to our two Doodle dogs, and a mobile bookstore owner, too!

After teaching for nearly nine years, burnout burrowed in deeply.

my story

I own two businesses I love that are scaling and that make it possible for me to be present and support my family.



I wrote for a handful of photographers and quickly knew I had truly found my dreamiest clients.

The Niche


I launched What Sara Said and built my business as a website copywriter.

The Leap


After battling burnout and overwhelm, I left the classroom for a non-profit job.

The Turn


I graduated with my M.A. in literature and accepted a big-girl teaching job at a local technical college.

The Teacher


In college and graduate school, I wanted to be like Andie Anderson, so I studied journalism and literature.

The Student


what i love most in the world

sarah j. maas

"You Could Rattle The Stars. You Could Do Anything, If Only You Dared."

Favorite Quote

Meet Nellie and Mookie, the two doodle dogs that have stolen my heart (and my food).

My Doodles

The Memory Puller
Series by Kris K. Haines

Currently Reading

The three boys in my life: my two sons and my husband!

Greatest Loves

The world needs more positivity, creativity, and kindness, and What Sara Said is dedicated to serving clients and engaging in business practices in support of these principles.

After all, a life well lived is a creative one that feels like a hug! 


Sara Gillis, as a person and as a website copywriter, is committed to equity and diversity across race, gender, sexual orientation, ability, age, size, religion, and experience.

All are welcome here, and all are celebrated here.


What Sara Said is committed to ensuring that all digital content shared here and elsewhere is accessible to all people, regardless of ability.

If you have an accessibility concern, please contact Sara at



Where's your photography website rank on the boring scale?

take the quiz

Is the copy on your photography website helping you stand out in business, or is your website blending in with the rest?

Take this quiz to find out, and access my advice on how to write website copy that shares your personality and boosts your search results!

is your website copy boring?


take the free quiz


I'm the website copywriter your photography business needs.

Hi, I'm Sara!