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    Hi! I'm Sara - a former teacher turned copywriter, a boy mama, and a word-magic maker obsessed with helping photographers and creative brands stand out through words. I'm so glad you're here!


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    Summer time as an entrepreneur can be unpredictable, to say the least! For me, summer means balancing two businesses (this one and my NEW mobile book business, What Sara Reads) while juggling sports and playdates for both of my sons. Plus, I like to spend quality time with my husband over our summertime wedding anniversary, […]

    How to Balance Work and Life This Summer as an Entrepreneur (It Won’t Be Perfect)


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    All of my life, I have been OBSESSED with words! From writing my first story in fourth grade that featured a Magic School Bus-style trip through the esophagus, to proudly wearing the English major label in college, to the girl who studied literature in grad school, I truly can’t remember a time where I wasn’t […]

    5 Things That Teaching Taught Me About Business


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    When I first jumped into the world of entrepreneurship, I’ll be honest I had no clue how to run a business. I’m a former teacher turned business owner who really only knew one thing: I loved helping people create word-magic. ✨ “Word-magic” is my fancy way of saying I love helping creative business owners write […]

    The 411 On The Content Huddle Membership


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    When it comes to the world of websites, most business owners know that they need to display some type of client reviews or testimonials so that potential clients can see who says so besides them. Often, that looks like your classic testimonial scroll that features a photo and a quote that gives insight to the […]

    The Purpose and Power of Client Case Studies On Your Website


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    Guess what?! The Copywriter on Call podcast is officially BACK for season three! 🎙️ Copywriter on Call was designed to give you practical advice to uncover the brand voice that’s already within you, so you can infuse your creative business with your stories and the heart behind your work. It’s for the business owner that’s […]

    The Best Of The Copywriter on Call Podcast


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    One of the first things that many business owners *think* they need to do when starting their business or growing their brand is to create an Instagram account, curate a perfectly aesthetic feed, and start attracting followers.  And don’t get me wrong – Instagram CAN be an amazing way to grow your following and generate […]

    How To Attract Consistent Leads To Your Business Beyond Just Instagram


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    It’s no secret that there are a lot of other people who do what you do. In business, we call this the saturated market complex. Regardless of the industry you’re in, there are simply going to be others doing the same thing.  As a business owner, this can feel scary, because let’s be honest – […]

    5 Ways To Stand Out In A Saturated Market As A Photographer


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    You’ve probably heard of business coaches, financial coaches, life coaches, and even TikTok coaches, and there’s a chance you’ve considered hiring one or joining one of their programs before.  As a business owner, there are ENDLESS options of people to learn from, and honestly, that can be a blessing and a curse.  On one side, […]

    How To Know What Type Of Coach Is Right For You In 2024


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    December is always an interesting time of year as a business owner.  For many of us, it’s a chance to slow down, work a little less (if you want), reflect on the year, and start prepping for what’s to come.  Everyone does business differently, so it may not look this way for everyone, but for […]

    4 Things To Focus On During Slow Season Of Your Business


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    I believe that as a business owner, your voice is your superpower, and I’ve got two key hacks to help you discover and use your authentic voice online. But first, hear me on this: your voice is your unique way of serving your audience AND, if you’re in business, of selling to them, too. Industries […]

    Using Your Authentic Voice Online
