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    Hi! I'm Sara - a former teacher turned copywriter, a boy mama, and a word-magic maker obsessed with helping photographers and creative brands stand out through words. I'm so glad you're here!


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    It’s no secret that the “Home” page on your website is a core page that needs your attention when crafting your website. It’s the first page that people see, and not only does it need to make a great first impression, it also needs to capture their attention enough to keep them reading and continue […]

    Home Page How To’s: What Copy You Need and Where It Should Go


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    As a photographer or other creative service provider, your website likely isn’t the thing that’s always top of mind for you. And I totally get that! You’re focused on the services you provide and mastering your craft – as you absolutely should be.  But one major mistake that I see creative business owners making is […]

    5 Ways to Boost Your Online Visibility as a Photographer


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    Even though summer isn’t *officially* over, and you might just now be ushering your kiddos back to school, as a business owner you always have to be 2, 3, and sometimes even 4 steps ahead of your customers.  They just did all of their back to school shopping and guess what’s on their minds now? […]

    How to Properly Plan For a Successful Black Friday Launch


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    Even though you might be reading this blog post as early as August, Black Friday is right around the corner and as a business owner, you can’t afford to put off the planning for one of the most lucrative sales seasons of the year.  Many larger brands and businesses start planning their Black Friday offers, […]

    How to Decide Your Black Friday Offer


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    POV: you’re scrolling through Instagram and you see someone promoting their new course. “ENROLL NOW!” they say. “Receive a 1:1 call as a bonus when you enroll today.” they say. And then they follow their announcements with all of the things that you’ll receive in the course.  6 Modules. 6 Group Calls.  Monthly coaching. Slack […]

    Sell The Experience, Not The Service


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    You hear it in business all the time… “Be yourself! People want to know the real you.” Ahhh yes, thank you for that advice that is so much more easily said than done. 🙃 As a business owner, you’ve likely experienced this tension of showing up as yourself while also showing up as a professional […]

    Why Writing About Yourself Can Be Difficult and How a Copywriter Can Help


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    Picture this: you find someone on Instagram that you would LOVE to work with for your business. You head to the links in their bio, scroll their website, and find yourself on their contact page, ready to inquire about booking their services. You enter your name, email address, and a brief description about what you’re […]

    The Most Overlooked Page On Your Website + How To Optimize It


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    As a photographer, there’s no denying that you have a LOT of photos to work with. Compared to many business owners, you have pictures for dayssss, and that can come in handy when planning your social media content.  While many business owners (myself included) have to create graphics on Canva, film reels and craft other […]

    Your Aesthetic Instagram Doesn’t Pay Your Bills – Your Actual Clients Do


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    Raise your hand if you’ve ever had the thought, “My work will sell for me!” 🙋🏻‍♀️ This is a common mistake that I see photographers and other female creatives make when it comes to their website, and I really do get it. It’s easy to think that if someone can just see what you do, […]

    Why Your Portfolio On Your Website Isn’t Enough


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    As a copywriter, it’s something I see all the time… I’ll start working with a new client, audit their current website copy, and when I get to this one page, I’m almost always met with a whole lot of information that isn’t helpful for their audience.  The page in question? The “About” page.  Now, I […]

    Why Your “About” Page Isn’t All About You.
