As a photographer, serving your clients isn’t just about providing a seamless client experience — you’re creating and capturing memories of some of the most special times in your clients’ lives. Tara Cieszynski is a professional photographer specializing in newborns, maternity, and families who has designed a deeply thoughtful, full-service experience for her clients. But […]
The word-magic that you deploy on your photography website is often what gets a buyer to choose you over someone else. As someone that works with photographers and female creatives on the regular to create word-magic for their photography website copy, I have a front-row seat to a lot of website copy mistakes. Here, I’m […]
Even though you might be reading this blog post as early as August, Black Friday is right around the corner and as a business owner, you can’t afford to put off the planning for one of the most lucrative sales seasons of the year. Many larger brands and businesses start planning their Black Friday offers, […]
POV: you’re scrolling through Instagram and you see someone promoting their new course. “ENROLL NOW!” they say. “Receive a 1:1 call as a bonus when you enroll today.” they say. And then they follow their announcements with all of the things that you’ll receive in the course. 6 Modules. 6 Group Calls. Monthly coaching. Slack […]
Picture this: you find someone on Instagram that you would LOVE to work with for your business. You head to the links in their bio, scroll their website, and find yourself on their contact page, ready to inquire about booking their services. You enter your name, email address, and a brief description about what you’re […]
After 15 years in business, Brittnie Renee, a newborn family photographer and one of my clients, knew exactly who her dream client was and what she needed to say to communicate the value of her offers. But, doing that in a way that highlighted her personality and allowed her to show up authentically was proving […]
As a photographer, there’s no denying that you have a LOT of photos to work with. Compared to many business owners, you have pictures for dayssss, and that can come in handy when planning your social media content. While many business owners (myself included) have to create graphics on Canva, film reels and craft other […]
As a creative entrepreneur, it may feel like your creativity flows naturally, except for when you’re needing ideas for emails to send. If you ever get that blank page syndrome when thinking of what emails to send to your list, these five prompts for emails will get the creative juices flowing for you plus simple […]
Your words can communicate who you are, share little insights about your personality, and make it easy for your dream clients to feel connected with you before they even talk with you — and your visuals matter just as much. Your website and branding not only convey your personality and support you in feeling confident to show […]
meet your copy bestie
You love the images you create and the client stories you share.
Buuuuuut, when it comes time to market your photography business, you're stuck on writing words that capture your passion for creating art that your clients can actually feel.
If you're ready for your website to stand out in the photography world like your images do, it's time for you to dropkick the uninspiring, generic website copy that sounds like every other photographer out there.
Let me show you how infusing your photography website with your personality and optimizing your SEO can call in clients who want the imagery only you can create, boost your confidence, and increase your profit margins.
Hi! I'm Sara.
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On this podcast, you’ll find practical advice to infuse your photography business with the heart behind your images, so you can find and speak to your dreamiest clients.
Get ready to feel confident in showing up as yourself online and passionate about your work again. The Copywriter on Call podcast is a marketing toolkit for photographers like you.
take the quiz
Is the copy on your photography website helping you stand out in business, or is your website blending in with the rest?
Take this quiz to find out, and access my advice on how to write website copy that shares your personality and boosts your search results!