A few weeks ago, I wrote a post all about what it means to be a copywriter. But today, I’m back to share what action steps I took to train myself in copywriting. I’m excited to share the process I’ve taken to learn copywriting skills and hustle hard to spin those skills into a fulfilling side venture. Here’s what worked for me: investing in education to amass a strong foundation of copywriting skills.
First, an obvious, but necessary, disclaimer: what worked for me doesn’t mean my approach is the only way – or a guaranteed method – to a side hustle or a full-time career in copywriting.
As a nearly mid-30s millennial with a B.A. and an M.A., it’s clear that I believe in the power of education. So, when I decided to take on copywriting – a new modality of writing for me – I began at what felt like a logical place for me: online courses.
While I had extensive writing experience in literary analysis, journalism (mostly op-eds and profiles), and blogging (about my life, my wedding, my home, my children, etc.), I knew that I had gaps to fill when it came to the craft of copywriting.
The first place I turned? Nicki Krawczyk’s Comprehensive Copywriting Academy. This online course gave me the foundation upon which I learned and practiced (and practiced again!) my copywriting techniques. At first, I subscribed to Nicki’s emails, which is where I first learned about her course. I recommend this course frequently to beginning copywriters!
After I completed the CCA foundations modules, I focused on a new educator: Ashlyn Carter over at Ashlyn Writes. As the premier copywriter for solopreneurs and small businesses in the creative space, Ashlyn offered in-roads into a market that I’m interested in writing for (after all, I did blog about weddings for a while, and I still dabble in home decor blogging!).
SUPER IMPORTANT: As part of an entrepreneurship course bundle I purchased last year, I also received access to Ashlyn’s Primed to Launch: Content for Creatives e-course. Guys, that course was a GAME CHANGER for my business. I learned SO. MUCH., and I point to that course’s teachings for helping me learn how to craft compelling content for my current clients in the real estate space!
After following Ashlyn on social media, gobbling up tutorial after tutorial of hers on YouTube, and completing the PtL course, I signed up (after joining the wait list to be notified!) for her Copywriting for Creatives course earlier this summer.
I hope this quick dive into e-courses was helpful for you; I, for one, LOVE hearing about how people learn and what resources they trust to learn something new!